Beers and spirits with character


Person of contact

Phone: 32-(0)494260486

Contact details

Rue large voie, 15
Phone: 32-(0)42782191
Fax :32-(0)

company profile

Company history

Created in 1997 by 2 enthusiasts, this company moved in Saint-Georges in 2005. Upon the arrival of a new partner in 2013, The Brewery opted for the strategic choice to produce rich beers in a craft way insuring the quality and the authenticity of beers which aim to be the image of the regional character. His production passed from 300 HL to 900 HL within 2 years. The accent of beers La Botteresse and La Liégeoise 1892 is the wealth of the flavors.

Added Value

An authentic product, rich in flavors. Elaborate product from A to Z in a craft way by our own ways and our own people. The result is a very personalized beer you cannot find the specified taste in others beers.

Product range - Services / Brands / Markets

LAGER BEER : Brewed with malted barley and wheat, it is a fair or white beer served with dregs. Fruity, average bitterness.

HONEY AMBER BEER : Amber beer, with a lot of spices (12 spices!), very appreciated by the ladies! Soft, very light bitterness

AMBER BEER : Brewed with PALE ALE malt and roasted malt. Spicy beer and long-lasting taste in the mouth. Soft, average bitterness.

WHITE BEER : Traditional white beer, very fresh, appreciated by the ladies. Light bitterness, taste of citrus fruits, to be served fresh.

DARK BEER : Brewed with PALE ALE malt and up to 30% of “toffee” malt. Tasteful beer for beer lovers. Average bitterness with tastes of malt, coffee and licorice.

BLACK BEER : Beer elaborated with 5 different malts. Appreciated for its balanced soft and spicy taste.

LIEGEOISE 1892 : Lager beer qualified as PREMIUM beer. Refreshing and tasty, lightly spiced taste. Fruity, light bitterness, to be served fresh.


We make our own quality controls and let our products regularly analysed by the following laboratories : AGROLAB and Institut MEURICE
